14 Things You Do That Annoy Your Cat Even If You Don't Realize It 

Created By : Datta Nighut

Cats are complex animals with unique tastes and boundaries. Even though we adore our cats, we can be doing some things that might frustrate them without even knowing it. Here are fourteen common human habits your cat probably wishes you'd stop.

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Your cat is not being rude when it walks away from your cuddles. Cats are very particular about when and how they want to be touched. Forcing pets or hugs on them when they are not in the mood creates stress and destroys trust. Allow your cat to initiate physical contact for the best relationship.

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1. Forcing Physical Affection

Cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, and they take their rest periods seriously. Waking them up for attention or playtime disrupts their natural sleep cycle. Those cute toe beans might be irresistible, but let your sleeping cat lie.

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Interrupting Their Sleep 

Cats are creatures of habit and also territorial. Surprise relocation of your cat's bowl can cause lots of anxiety in your cat; thus, consider relocating this gradually over three days.

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Moving Their Food Bowl Without Warning 

Would you enjoy sitting on a toilet that someone hasn't flushed? Neither will your cat. Most cats will either withhold or seek an alternate location if the litter box is not cleaned often enough. Cats need to have their litter scooped daily.

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Neglecting to Clean the Litter Box Daily 

While we demonstrate affection by gazing into someone's eyes, cats interpret a steady, unblinking stare as threatening. Try the "slow blink" – a soft, periodic closing of your eyes, which cats take as a sign of affection.

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Making Direct Eye Contact 

Using your hands as toys might look fun, but it teaches the cat that hands are toys to be attacked. Later on, this could lead to aggression. Always use proper toys during play sessions.

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Playing Rough With Your Hands 

Cats communicate primarily through body language. A twitching tail, flattened ears, or dilated pupils are clear signals that your cat is overstimulated or uncomfortable. Learning to read these signs shows respect for their boundaries.

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Ignoring Their Body Language 

Cats have sensitive hearing and can be easily startled. Vacuum cleaners, loud music, or sudden movements can be very upsetting. Give them warning and a safe retreat when noisy activities are necessary.

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Making Loud or Sudden Noises 

Cats are natural climbers, and they like to feel safe while observing their territory from a high place. They become stressed if they cannot observe their surroundings from above because of the lack of vertical spaces.

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Not Providing High Perches 

Cats live on predictability. Irregular feeding times or sudden changes to their daily routine can cause anxiety. Try to maintain consistent schedules for feeding, play, and attention.

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Disrupting Their Routine 

While cats are more independent than dogs, they still require daily interaction and enrichment. Prolonged periods of isolation can cause depression and behavioral problems. Make sure your cat receives enough attention and playtime.

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Leaving Them Alone Too Long 

A cat's sense of smell is fourteen times stronger than ours. Perfumes, cleaning products, or scented litters can be too strong. Choose unscented products when possible.

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Using Strong Scents 

A kitty exposed its belly doesn't always invite to receive a tummy rub. More often, it is a sign of trust, not to be considered as asking to be touched. Many cats become defensive if this signal is misunderstood.

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Misreading Their Exposed Belly 

Everyone needs alone time, including cats. Constantly pursuing them when they've sought solitude can create stress and resentment. Give them space when they retreat to their favorite hiding spots.

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Not Respecting Their Space